Tuesday, January 11, 2022

New Release & Book Review- Juniper Hill (The Edens #2) by Devney Perry


Release Date: January 11th
The Edens #2
By Devney Perry

Memphis Ward arrives in Quincy, Montana, on the fifth worst day of her life. She needs a shower. She needs a snack. She needs some sanity. Because moving across the country with her newborn baby is by far the craziest thing she’s ever done.

But maybe it takes a little crazy to build a good life. If putting the past behind her requires a thousand miles and a new town, she’ll do it if it means a better future for her son. Even if it requires setting aside the glamour of her former life. Even if it requires working as a housekeeper at The Eloise Inn and living in an apartment above a garage.

It’s there, on the fifth worst day of her life, that she meets the handsomest man she’s ever laid eyes on. Knox Eden is a beautiful, sinful dream, a chef and her temporary landlord. With his sharp, stubbled jaw and tattooed arms, he’s raw and rugged and everything she’s never had—and never will. Because after the first worst day of her life, Memphis learned a good life requires giving up on her dreams too. And a man like Knox Eden will only ever be a dream.

My Review
4.5 Stars

Juniper Hill gives you all the heat, heart and family that makes the perfect Devney Perry novel! I fell in love with Knox, Memphis and baby Drake from the first page. I never wanted their story to end, it was sweet and emotional and this little family has become a favorite.

Memphis Ward is running from a past she wants to forget and to a future she hopes she can build for her and her son in Quincy, Montana. She'll do anything to protect her son and give him a life that he'll love. Working for the Eden's at Eloise Inn is just the new beginning she needs. With a new town, a new job and a cranky hot chef as her new landlord, Memphis doesn't know how many more changes she can handle. But with a past that doesn't want to stay there. And Knox Eden slowly taking a place in her heart, with his delectable meals, support for her and her son, and a burning hot chemistry burning between her and Knox, Memphis is in for more changes then ever.

I love the Edens! This family has quickly taken my heart and I just want to read all their stories right now! Devney Perry is the queen of small town romance and I want so much more!

·I was provided a ARC by Devney Perry·

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